Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Gratitude List

It's been a while since I've written a public gratitude list.  So here's the things that I'm grateful to God for today:

*  The warmer weather of the last two days
*  That I'm back to reading the gospels and meditating
*  That I'm sleeping well and waking up rested
*  That  know I'm loved by God
*  For my older sister
*  That I love to learn
*  For Star Trek reruns on Netflix
*  For my friends
*  For my church family
*  That I'm learning when to let go and not hang on
*  That if "bad" things happen it's not a reflection on me being bad.
*  For discovering writing by Anthony de Mello - he certainly is giving me a way to look at life differently
*  For my priest who sometimes ticks me off but I know he has the flock (and my) spiritual good as his priority. It's wonderful to know he has my back
*  That I can live a frugal life and only work two days a week
*  That I am learning to speak my truth
*  That I'm learning to be open to hear others hear their truth
*  That I love to make eye contact with people, even if it's not reciprocated
*  That God had me hide the Word in my heart
*  That I'm learning to have confidence in myself, because the depth of myself is God.
*  That I'm getting healthier
*  That I seldom have a down day and, if I do, it only lasts for a few hours
*  That I have so much peace and joy
*  That I have my little home that feels so homey
*  That my Christmas tree is still up and it brings me joy and I'm at a place where I no longer care if others think it's weird that I am enjoying an extra-long holiday season with twinkly lights
*  That the winter has been mild
*  That I have contentment with what is
*  That I still have goals and desires
*  That God loves me
*  That God has given me love for Him
*  That I am learning to love others with God's love
*  That I am starting to understand a few things about quantum physics
*  That I can learn something and state it but not feel I have to export it and talk others into liking it, too.  Aaah, growth.
*  That I enjoy music
*  That I can play music
*  That I have lot of hobbies that can follow me into retrement
*  That I'm learning solid state healing
*  That the solid state healing is working
*  that I have hope and peace about the future
*  that I believe Romans 8:28 that all things work together for good.