Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Banking and War - Part 2

If the bank is owned by the government itself, then why does the government have to pay interest on money borrowed from themselves? It seems the £43 bn the UK pays annually in interest alone or the $431 bn the US pays annually in interest alone could be used in ways that better benefit the country and the taxpayer. Why would they be in debt at all if the government owns the banking system?  If I "borrow" money from my savings account to my checking account that I put back later, I certainly don't give myself interest!

I did not research BoE; but read about the Federal Reserve since it was designed to be an image of the BoE and I'm more familiar with the US system. If the Federal Reserve is a government agency, then why must they pay postage instead of free franking like a government agency?  Why are their employees paid by the Federal Reserve and not through Civil Service?  Why is their property held by private deeds and thus is taxable?  I'm not aware of any other US agency who is subject to those constraints; but then, I admit I'm a novice wanting to learn? As I read, I discovered the IRS is a private corporation that is incorporated in Delaware in 1933. Any checks paid to the IRS are endorsed by none other than the Federal Reserve... nope, it doesn't go to the US Treasury as I presumed it did.  Very interesting. It seems I should have figured that out because when I pay my taxes, the envelope is not postage paid like the envelopes when I receive when dealing with other US government agencies... like my passport.  

From BoE site: "William Paterson proposed a loan of £1,200,000 to the Government. In return the subscribers would be incorporated as the Governor and Company of the Bank of England."  I'm curious who these "subscribers" are who loaned the money?  From what I've read, that is secret information as it is in all Rothschild owned national banks.  This quote also from the BoE web page: "The major policy committees of the Bank, all of which are chaired by the Governor and have external members, are the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), the Financial Policy Committee (FPC), and the Board of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA)." 

(1) I wouldn't be surprised if the BoE's executive Members of Court as appointed by the Crown, or at least the voting majority of the Court are heirs of the Rothschilds, their numerous in-laws, and/or "friends" of theirs. I certainly would not expect the senior Rothschild family members to sit on any boards as they have their empire to run and their name associated with it probably wouldn't happen but are done in proxy by others who do their bidding.

(2) I found this chart that was interesting:


(3) I also find this timeline interesting:  After 12 months of debate, on December 23, 1913 the Federal Reserve started - while many legislators had returned home for Christmas break.  on  February 3, 1913, income tax was instituted; however, it was apparently not properly ratified.

(4)  I also found it interesting that several US presidents and others who bucked the banking system were assassinated.

I really hope I can study and conclude there is no conspiracy theory, no Illuminati and my governments aren't run by stealth by a few powerful families who control the national banks and thus don't control the commerce and possibly politics of each nation where I vote. I really do hope I can find that information that disproves my recent concerns and removes reasonable doubt. I'd really like to think that each country is "safe" and there aren't some rich people causing wars to fill their family coffers. But my spidey sense went bonkers after I read about the Georgia Guidestones, so I am trying to research and become educated and figure this out.

The next two paragraphs would be better higher up, but I put here so the links will be active in separate replies.

BoE's vague wording: "The Bank is a public sector institution wholly-owned by the government" and it doesn't answer the question about "shareholders".

On a blog that explains BoE Nominee: 

Banking and War

Another post on my waking up to look past my curtains and see the world and study about it. I'm still in the information gathering stage prior to making my own opinions; so bare with me, please... or scroll and ignore.  I'm always open to feedback as it helps me find new avenues to want to research and learn.  


I read an article about the Rothchild's and their part in organizing and funding war. In 2000, there were only seven countries in the world who did not have a Rothchild Central bank. In the USA their bank is called the Federal Reserve; In Canada it's the Bank of Canada. In England it's the Bank of England. Although the name implies it belongs to the country, they are owned by private shareholders and Rothchilds are/were major shareholders; although they work in cooperation with the government, they are not owned by the government. The Rothchild family's current estimated net worth is 500 TRILLION dollars or half the money in the world. 


In 2000, the following countries were the only ones to not have a Rothchild (or subordinate) centralized bank: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. I find it interesting that these countries are war torn and/or considered the largest threat to democracy - maybe it's not democracy we're protecting but the Rothchild's family fortune?  The three countries who still stand against having a Rothchild central bank are: Cuba, North Korea and Iran.  I'm still reeling from what I'm learning as I try to get up-to-speed after decades of just agreeing with my exes on what's going on in the world and voting for who my church recommended in election brochures. It's fun as I attempt to learn history, current events and politics for myself. As with any new skill, I may be crawling before I walk and not being very graceful and understanding; but I'm having fun and keeping my brain active - so that's good.  It also helps me realize how much I need to hang onto God's hand - always, but especially in today's world.    


I found this movie very informative: