When I was a kid, about once a month, some activity would travel through town
and perform at the school. In grade school we paid 10 cents to go and I think
it was 15 cents in high school.
Out of all of the events I saw, there are two I remember, a trampoline artist –
who asked a girl to jump to see how much fun and she jumped wrong and broke her
leg and the ambulance and stretcher had to carry her out – which is probably why
I remember it.
The other was a black man who gave a verbal
oration. I was impressed with his full, round, and deep speaking voice. His
vocal sound was invitational to pay attention and listen. He had his program
memorized and when he orated the creation story, it was awesome. God had fun
with that, too. There was loud cracks of thunder and rumbling thunder that
perfectly enhanced the wonderful words and the good presentation. Maybe that
was my first thoughts of God being there in daily life and not just in church or
when we kneeled as a family and prayed. But it impacted me.