Sunday, 27 January 2013

Restful Sunday

Today was a restful Sunday.  I went to breakfast Bible study and liturgy; I didn't stay for lunch or a meeting I was to attend.  I didn't even dress up for the first time in 5 years but wore jeans and a denim shirt.  I came home and had a light lunch and fell asleep in my recliner and woke up at 5:30.  No lectio divina tonight, so I caught up on e-mails and talked online to two friends.

I did all the divine office except for the morning prayer. I especially like the prayers set to music as I find it easier to focus and not let my mind stray. But I've found that in my own private time - to sing my Bible reading and prayers. it seems to keep the compulsive thinking portion of my mind busy so the words are assimilated into my heart --- nah, that's enough, not going to analyze it. It just seems to work better for me.

Now it's 10 pm and Im ready for more sleep. I've only required about 5-6 hours of sleep a night for several years, so this recent 8 or 9 hours of sleep and a long nap seem really strange. I pray it is healing sleep and will refresh and heal my body especially but rest and heal all areas of my life.

Part of me says what a wasted day that I wasn't productive. But at this stage of life, sometimes rest is productive and I am grateful for a quiet, restful, sleepy day. I felt loved and snuggled by Father God.  Maybe this is what the Torah meant by making the Sabbath a day of rest.  Since I'm single so ineligible for a double mitzvah, I can be blessed with a double rest instead!  ;-)  I guess I have a weird sense of humour....

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