Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Thoughts on the Daily Office

Tonight I have a chest cold. I went to work but had no energy to be alert had I tried to read after returning home.  I'm using salt water, orange juice and rest. That seems to work well.  My MD in Tulsa said a cold is a good thing; it is how the body cleans itself at the cellular level.  Thus, I am counting my blessings that my body is strong enough to do some spring cleaning.

I skipped the Daytime prayer because of work. Now I'm off for three days and am looking forward to doing each set prayer time. I actually found myself looking forward to the evening prayer time.

I'm single and have no bio-family in this country. I have church family and friends; but sometimes I miss the connectedness of bio-family, sharing a life and home with others with shared history and goals. The two times a day that I'm most vulnerable to self-pity is when I'm alone after work and before bed; traditionally those are times the family would interact, discuss the day, read the Bible and pray together. I realized tonight that I hadn't felt that empty place since starting the evening and night  divine office. Two of the set times happen when I'm most vulnerable and the communion with God and with other saints who would also be praying fills that void. 

That is where I am  today. I hope that feeling of deep contentment stays; but figure it will be two steps forward and one back as I make progress.  I'm okay with that as I am learning to be gentle with myself.  Finding a greater purpose and benefit of the Divine Office may help me grow in consistency and intentionality. I pray so.

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